For our crew members we have some guidelines so that we can run a tight ship and thrive as a whole.

Code to follow

All Hands on Deck

Provide help and support whenever you can. The idea is that we can all become the best possible.

Share your knowledge and be active.



Every play, trade or action needs to have some reasoning behind it. No hype pump and dumps or blind gambles.

Scholar Mindset

Always be learning and stay well informed. Be open to learn from your fellow crew mates.

No burning money

We won’t delve into Venture Capitalist practices where they ‘invest’ into businesses that burn most of their cash.

Things like positive cashflow and having an actual product is important. Businesses without product and pure research and developmentÂ

Cut And Run

If our positions are sinking (not going our way) … we need to evaluate and cut the anchor, we cut-and-run.

No emotions, no bagholding … if we were wrong, we were wrong.
For trading that means having a stop-loss in place (unless it’s a long-term DCA buy)

No Secrets

Be transparent of the money you invest and trade. Have no secrets between crew members.

Share your trades and positions.

Track your Treasure

Be aware of what your money is doing, track and analyze your positions.


To lose patience is to lose the battle

Riches are not made overnight. We need to be patient with any play we make. As long as we are not wrong … we stay the course.


Arms at the Ready

Get your warchest full and ready to jump into plays.